ABMI's Alberta Biodiversity Browser Updates

Biodiversity Browser

The Biodiversity Browser is the place to go to find all of the data and information we have compiled for the wide variety of species that the ABMI monitors. More than 3000 individual species profiles are available in this portal, for species in seven taxonomic groups: birds, mammals, amphibians, soil mites, vascular plants, lichens, and mosses. The Biodiversity Browser has been recently updated to include: 

  • Updated species modelling results, which incorporate our latest field data. 
  • A new section for six mammal species (Black Bear, Canada Lynx, Coyote, Moose, Snowshoe Hare, White-tailed Deer), summarizing preliminary monitoring results in the Oil Sands Region. Results show how the abundances of these species are predicted to change in response to energy-related human footprint.
  • Updates to the design of the species profiles, to make it easier to navigate between the sections: Status in Alberta, OSR Monitoring Results, and Species Facts.