Alberta Reclamation Practitioner Survey

Disturbance types discussed by the Panel

At the 2023 Alberta Chapter, Canadian Land Reclamation Association annual conference, Chris Powter, Tanya Richens, Andy Etmanski, Amanda Schoonmaker, and Dean MacKenzie participated in a panel discussion designed to kick-start a conversation with Alberta reclamation practitioners about what principles should inform where we want to get to and how we want to get there.  The Panel members have a combined 136 years of land reclamation experience in government, industry, consulting, and academia working in mining, sand and gravel, upstream oil and gas, and in-situ oil sands.

The Panel presentation is available here as context for the survey.

As a follow-up to the session, the Panel members are conducting a survey to identify interest in further discussions and your thoughts on some of the key issues raised during the session.

The conference organizers have already sent the survey to conference attendees.  We value your opinion, but please only take the survey once.
