Land Management Resources
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
The Online Reporting for Biodiversity (ORB) tool [] is the ABMI’s recently released multi-use tool for easily generating interactive biodiversity reports for Alberta. The ORB...
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
This report summarizes the status of land cover and biodiversity in the Oil Sands Region. Results show: Human footprint increased from 12.0% to 16.5% between 2000 and 2021, with agriculture (7.9%)...
This webinar will explore the myths and best practices of native seed collection and use. Participants will gain insight into the key differences between agronomic and native seeds, highlighting how...
As many of you are aware, the ERCB is a provincial agency which regulates most aspects of energy resource development in Alberta. It does not have a lead role in reclamation. The ultimate...
The sand and gravel industry, prior to the introduction of reclamation standards and policies , certainly did not have a very good public image in the province of Alberta. One only needs to travel in...
This paper provides the rationale and a system for assessing the agricultural capability of reconstructed soils. The concept of capability rather than productivity is used in formulating comparisons...
Tom Oddie
Dale Doram
Holly Quan
Current requirements set out by the Alberta Government state that the goal of reclamation is to return mined land to a capability that is equivalent or better than that which existed prior to mining...
Cement kiln by-pass dusts from Canada Cement Lafarge Ltd. plants at Woodstock and Bath, Ontario, respectively, were tested as limestone substitutes in reclaiming acid, metal-contaminated soils from...
F.T. Frankling
R.E. Redmann
The Lorado uranium mill tailings, near Uranium City, Saskatchewan are characterized by low pH, high salinity and high concentrations of elements such as copper, nickel, lead, uranium, vanadium and...
Mark Trudell
Daphne Cheel
Stephen Moran
Laboratory leaching tests including 10:1 and 40:1 water to sediment ratios and saturated-paste extracts , have been used to determine the salt yielding properties of overburden materials as well as...