Knowledge in Know-vember Speaker Series



Event Date and Time
November 3rd, 2020 at 12:00pm MST to November 3rd, 2020 at 1:00pm MST

NSWA Knowledge in Know-vember speaker series highlights partnerships with – EPCOR, NGOs, Government of Alberta, and stewardship groups. We wish we could see you in person, but for now, the speaker series will be held online on Tuesdays in November over lunch (12:00 noon to 12:50) through Zoom.

November 3 – EPCOR (Stephanie Neufeld) and Alberta Environment and Parks (Cristina Buendia Fiores) will discuss results from the WaterSHED Monitoring program for the North Saskatchewan River.

November 10 – Watershed Stewardship Groups from Wizard Lake (Blake Bartlett and Dorte Koster) and Mayatan Lake (Walter Neilson) will discuss opportunities and challenges for lake watershed planning.

November 17 – The ALUS program (presented by Chris Elder) and the LaFarge Biodiversity program (presented by Bill Gowdy) are two examples of on-the-ground stewardship activities in the NSR watershed. Join us to learn more about progress and successes.

November 24 – Cows and Fish (Norine Ambrose) will discuss aspects of Living with Beavers. We will also have one of our municipal partners give updates on work in their County (speaker to be announced).

We are looking forward to meeting with you!