Alternative Silvicultural Systems & Harvesting Techniques for Caribou Habitat: Summary Version

Joshua Killeen
Casi Bouchie
Bob Christian
Ted Gooding
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Urgent action is required to reverse caribou population declines that are occurring throughout Alberta and to meet federal targets for reducing habitat disturbance under the Species at Risk Act. Caribou declines are attributed primarily to anthropogenic habitat alteration, from a range of sources, such as oil and gas development, commercial forestry, and recreation.

Alternative silvicultural systems have potential to allow for a working landscape with some level of timber harvest whilst also minimizing negative impacts on caribou. However, widespread adoption of alternative silviculture systems over conventional clearcut forestry remains constrained by knowledge gaps, financial considerations, and policy restrictions. While there are limited caribou-specific trials of alternative systems in Alberta, experience from other jurisdictions and re-purposing of other studies provides guidance in how such systems could be applied.

See here for full report.