Establishment of Native Boreal Plant Species on Reclaimed Oil Sands Mining Disturbances

Ann Smreciu
Kimberly Gould
Stephanie Wood
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Current revegetation strategies for disturbed oil sands sites include values such as biodiversity and sustainability. As a result, a wide range of species are sought for inclusion in revegetation programs. A trial was initiated in 2007 to evaluate emergence of 41 boreal vascular and provide definitive strategies for establishment.

Emergence of 24 species was observed by the second year. Many species responded differently depending on site characteristics while others established consistently over the three locations.  We documented two species that emerge in higher percentages from whole fruit than from cleaned seed. We have also determined a number of species that benefit from either spring or fall sowing.  Direct sowing information, seed metrics and other culturally information on all 41 species was gathered to create 'Propagation and Establishment Profiles'. These 2 to 5 page fact sheets will be publically available through the Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN).