Video - LiDAR and LAS Tools

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Martin Isenburg
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The resource link to the left links to Part 1 (LAStools introduction) of 7 of this presentation. Further parts are linked below. 

If you need to understand how LiDAR data is used to produce digital elevation models and vegetation maps, Dr. Martin Isenburg provides some robust insights. In a series of six videos, Dr. Martin Isenburg describes the process to use LAStools to edit and analyze LiDAR data to produce digital elevation models and vegetation canopy models. LAStools is his suite of modules that provide compact yet robust analytical tools for LiDAR analysis. Toolkits for both ArcGIS and QGIS have been developed by Dr.Isenburg.

In the first video, Dr Isenburg describes how to download and begin installation of LAStools from The use of LAStools and LAStools' pipelines in ArcGIS and QGIS are also covered in this video.

Part 2 - LASview

In this second video of six, Dr. Martin Isenburg explains how to use LASview to quality check LiDAR data and get a view of the data cloud that comes back from raw LiDAR data. As a compact data viewer, LASview also enables manual editing of LiDAR data. LAStools GUI's, commands and hot keys are covered at the start of this video. LASview has a new feature of cross section views of parts of your LiDAR data. Dr. Isenburg covers data issues, particularly on the edges of LiDAR flights and how LASview can be used to correct those data errors. Data points can be viewed in different colours so you can explore the LiDAR data by returns, classification, flight lines, triangulation, wireframe mode, etc.

Part 3 - LAStools demo

LAStools is a compact set of tools for viewing, editing, analyzing and processing LIDAR data. In this third video of six, Dr. Martin Isenburg uses a project demo to introduce LiDAR data analysis with LAStools, his modular tools for LiDAR processing. He quickly walks us through a demonstration of a small LiDAR project in Adelaide, Australia using LAStool modules. He demonstrates LASboundary, LAS2dem (hillshade model), LASoverlap (quality checking for flight line gaps and flight line differences), LASgrid (density grids), LASground (to find ground elevations), LASheight and LASclassify (to classify roofs and vegetation).

Part 4 - LAStools modules, details

In Part 4, Dr. Martin Isenburg describes the details of setting up key modules of LAStools in processing LiDAR data. He walks through a series of GUI's for each LAStool module. He starts with viewing the unclassified data in LASview. He describes key parameters to set in LASground to classify the LiDAR data. LAS2dem and blast2dem process LiDAR data to a digital terrain model. LiDAR ground elevations have a classification of "2". 

Part 5 - LAStools pipelines in ArcGIS

In the fifth video of a series of six, Dr. Martin Isenburg demonstrates the use of LAStool pipelines in ArcGIS to run a series of LAStool modules on a LiDAR data set. LAStools sets up an ArcGIS toolbox and comes with some example pipelines. These pipelines that string a series of LAStool modules together can be modified or custom built for the ArcGIS toolbox.

Part 6 - Quality checking LiDAR data

In this last video of six, Dr. Martin Isenburg demonstrates how LAStools can be used to quality check LiDAR data. has three tutorials in Support. Also there are User Forums (a LAStools Google Group) for questions.  LASoverlap is used to visualize and output the differences in values between flight lines. He discusses errors from highly reflective surfaces and comparing LiDAR data to control point data. Dr. Isenburg finishes with a review of the output of the canopy height model started in ArcGIS in Part 5.


LAStools can be explored at

Dr. Isenburg's presentation was part of the University of Lethbridge's LiDAR/SAR wetland and water monitoring workshop, June 26-27, 2014. The Alberta Land-use Knowledge Network was able to record many of the presentations.