Coyote (Canis latrans) Diet and Spatial Co-occurrence with Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou
Caribou Encounters with Wolves Increase Near Roads and Trails: A Time-to-Event Approach Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou
Identifying Indirect Habitat Loss and Avoidance of Human Infrastructure by Northern Mountain Woodland Caribou Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou
Multi-Level Functional Responses for Wildlife Conservation: The Case of Threatened Caribou in Managed Boreal Forests Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou
Assessing the Influence of Resource Covariates at Multiple Spatial Scales: An Application to Forest Dwelling Caribou Faced with Intensive Human Activity Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou
Selection of Both Habitat and Genes in Specialized and Endangered Caribou Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou
Witnessing Extinction – Cumulative Impacts Across Landscapes and the Future Loss of an Evolutionarily Significant Unit of Woodland Caribou in Canada Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou Land Management
Witnessing Extinction – Cumulative Impacts Across Landscapes and the Future Loss of an Evolutionarily Significant Unit of Woodland Caribou in Canada Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou Land Management
Increasing Fire Frequency and Severity Will Increase Habitat Loss for a Boreal Forest Indicator Species Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou
Northern Boreal Caribou Conservation Should Focus on Anthropogenic Disturbance, not Disturbance-mediated Apparent Competition Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou