Relations, not Resources: Dena K’éh as Anti-colonial Force Against Yukon Wildlife Management Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou
Advancing Understory Redevelopment in Forest Reclamation and the Role of Seedling Quality Resource Format Website Land Management
The Role of Microtopography in Vegetation Colonization and Early Forest Development on Mine Reclamation Sites Resource Format Website Land Management
Pekîwe ᐯᑮᐁᐧ Coming Home: Healing Through Land and Cultural Reclamation Resource Format Website Land Management
Healing the Land by Reclaiming an Indigenous Ecology : A Journey Exploring the Application of the Indigenous Worldview to Invasion Biology and Ecology Resource Format Website Land Management
Ecological Restoration and Rewilding: Considerations on the Approaches and Their Relation Based on a Literature Review and Case Studies Resource Format Website Land Management
Using Remote Camera Traps to Monitor Population Demographics and Community Ecology of Divii (Dall’s sheep): Part of a Community-based Monitoring Program in the Northern Richardson Mountains, NT Resource Format Website Land Management
Volunteer Participation in Ecological Restoration: Motivations, Organizations, and Conviviality Resource Format Website Land Management