Landform Design Institute (LDI) Organization Type Non-profit Address Canada Weblink
Got Plants? Availability of and Challenges to Production of Native Plants for Wetland Restoration Resource Format Website Land Management Wetland Knowledge
Got Plants? Availability of and Challenges to Production of Native Plants for Wetland Restoration Resource Format Website Land Management Wetland Knowledge
Possibilités de réutilisation et de réamenagement de mines abandonnées souterraines; considérations géologiques et environnementales Resource Format Website Land Management
Video - The Applications of Remote Sensing in Reclamation Monitoring Resource Format Website Land Management
Reclamation Workshop: Towards a Shared Foundation for Innovation and Evolution Resource Format Document Land Management Wetland Knowledge
Reclamation Workshop: Towards a Shared Foundation for Innovation and Evolution Resource Format Document Land Management Wetland Knowledge
Using LiDAR, Colour Infrared Imagery, and Ground Truth Data for Mapping and Characterizing Vegetation Succession on Disturbance Types: Implications for Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) Habitat Management Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou
British Columbia Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation (TRCR) Organization Type Other Address BC Canada Weblink