La sélection génétique peut influencer les composants de variation de la densité du bois chez l’épinette blanche. Faits sur la fibre 30 Resource Format Website Land Management
Complementary Roles of Two Classes of Defense Chemicals in White Spruce Against Spruce Budworm Resource Format Website Land Management
Realizing the Full Growth Potential of a Forest: TreeCG, a Forest Compensatory Growth Model. Fibre Facts 28 Resource Format Website Land Management
Exploiter le plein potentiel de croissance d’une forêt : TreeCG — un modèle de croissance compensatrice des forêts. Faits sur la fibre 28 Resource Format Website Land Management
Differences in Soil Fungal Communities between Forested Reclamation and Forestry Sites in the Alberta Oil Sands Region Resource Format Website Land Management
Rétablir les forêts après les perturbations dues au pétrole et au gaz Resource Format Website Land Management
Bringing Forests Back After Oil and Gas Disturbances: An Experiment Testing Emerging Techniques to Grow Trees on Seismic Lines. Resource Format Website Land Management
Provincial Restoration and Establishment Framework for Legacy Seismic Lines Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou Land Management