Decrypting the Invasion of Non-native Cattails (Typha spp.) in the Fraser River Estuary, British Columbia, Using Morphological and Microsatellite Analyses Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Invasion By Common Reed in Peri-urban Wetlands Does Not Affect Insectivorous Bat Activity, Despite A Negative Effect on Prey Abundance Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Long-Term Periodic Management of Phragmites Australis Maintains Native Brackish Wetland Plant Communities Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Webinar - Habitat Alteration or Climate: What Drives the Densities of an Invading Ungulate? Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou
Habitat Alteration or Climate: What Drives the Densities of an Invading Ungulate? Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou
September 2023 Wetland Knowledge Exchange Webinar - Recording Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Webinar - Restoring the Wetland Plant Community After Invasive Reed Control Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Video - Aquatic Invasive Species: The Alberta Approach & Program Highlights Resource Format Website Land Management Wetland Knowledge