Exploring Winter Diet, Gut Microbiota and Parasitism in Caribou Using Multi-marker Metabarcoding of Fecal DNA Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou
Evaluating How Stand Level Forest Dynamics Influence Caribou Winter Range Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou
Reindeer Lichen Transplant Feasibility for Reclamation of Lichen Ecosites on Alberta’s Athabasca Oil Sand Mines Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou Land Management
Reindeer Lichen Transplant Feasibility for Reclamation of Lichen Ecosites on Alberta’s Athabasca Oil Sand Mines Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou Land Management
Assisted Dispersal and Retention of Lichen-dominated Biocrust Material for Arctic Restoration Resource Format Website Land Management
Can Plant or Lichen Natural Abundance 15N Ratios Indicate the Influence of Oil Sands N Emissions on Bogs? Resource Format Document Land Management
Measurements of Cesium in Arctic Beluga and Caribou Before and After the Fukushima Accident of 2011 Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou