The Oil Sands Research and Information Network (OSRIN) is a now closed (2009-2014) project of the University of Alberta’s School of Energy and the Environment (SEE) It was a university-based, independent organization for compiling, interpreting and analyzing available knowledge about managing the environmental impacts to landscapes and water affected by oil sands mining and gets that knowledge into the hands of those who can use it to drive breakthrough improvements in regulations and practices. OSRIN was launched with a start-up grant of $4.5 million from Alberta Environment and a $250,000 grant from the Canada School of Energy and Environment Ltd. OSRIN provided:

  • Governments with the independent, objective, and credible information and analysis required to put appropriate regulatory and policy frameworks in place
  • Media, opinion leaders and the general public with the facts about oil sands development, its environmental and social impacts, and landscape/water reclamation activities – so that public dialogue and policy is informed by solid evidence 
  • Industry with ready access to an integrated view of research that will help them make and execute environmental management plans – a view that crosses disciplines and organizational boundaries