Wetlands in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region: The Nexus between Wetland Hydrological Function and Resource Extraction Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Webinar - Establishing Vegetation on Constructed Fens in Alberta's Oil Sands Region Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Identifying Restoration Priorities for Habitat Defragmentation: A Case Study in Alberta’s Oil Aands Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou Land Management
Identifying Restoration Priorities for Habitat Defragmentation: A Case Study in Alberta’s Oil Aands Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou Land Management
Phytoremediation of Metals in Oil Sands Process Affected Water by Native Wetland Species Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
The Effect of Freezing and Thawing on the Dewatering of Oil Sands Sludges Resource Format Document Land Management
Oil Sands Clay Fines: Can they be Reclaimed as Productive, Self-Sustaining Wetlands? Resource Format Document Land Management Wetland Knowledge
Oil Sands Clay Fines: Can they be Reclaimed as Productive, Self-Sustaining Wetlands? Resource Format Document Land Management Wetland Knowledge