Alberta Native Plants and Seeds: Wild Harvest, Registration and Deployment. A Guide for Technicians and Practitioners

Ann Smreciu
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Re-vegetation of land disturbances began in Alberta in the 1970’s and has evolved over time. The use of native plants to revegetate land disturbances in forested areas of Alberta is mandated by the Government of Alberta and guided by numerous Acts of Legislation, standards, guidelines and approvals. Most of the standards were implemented to mitigate forest resources after harvest and do not consider other land uses. Until such time as these are revised, revegetation practitioners must adapt to the existing standards. It is our intention that this publication provides a valuable guide for reclamation practitioners and technicians through the documents that regulate plant placement for reclamation in northwestern Alberta and to provide best management practices for the harvest and handling of native seeds for use in reclamation in the Boreal Forest Natural Region of northwest Alberta.

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