An Ecological Framework to Support the use of Herbicide Alternatives in Boreal and Northern Temperate Forests of Ontario and Quebec: First Approximation

Kim Chapman
Rob Fleming
Nelson Thiffault
Daniel Gouge
Gordan Kayahara
Dave Morris
Wayne Bell
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We present an ecological framework for classifying sites to support vegetation management decisions in the boreal and northern temperate forests of northeastern Ontario and northwestern Quebec. This first approximation draws on several regional ecological classifications to provide an initial framework and background information for the Herbicide Alternatives Program (HAP) 2.0 in northeastern Ontario. It provides broad, ecologically and silviculturally meaningful overstory and understory classes based on dominant tree species and groups of understory plant species indicative of site moisture and nutrient conditions. These classes are intended to be applied at the plot or stand-level, during ground-based, pre-harvest assessments. The framework is currently being used to retrospectively classify the ecological conditions of study sites in a compendium of longer-term vegetation management studies so that we can relate treatment response to site conditions. As with various adaptive management approaches, we view the framework from an evolving perspective. As HAP 2.0 partners use the framework, refinements are likely to be made.