Effect of Pipeline Construction on Soil Strengths of Soil Horizons in Alberta: 1990 Final Report

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Karen Cannon
Nancy Finlayson
Sandra Landsburg
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This study was initiated in 1988 to evaluate the effects of pipeline construction on soil strengths of various soils in the province of Alberta. The pipelines were scattered throughout Alberta on a number of different soils and were constructed using various techniques. At each of the fifteen 1989 study areas and at each of the eight 1988 study areas soil strength was monitored using a cone penetrometer in 15 cm depth increments to a depth of 52.5 cm. Soil strength measurements were taken from trench, work side and spoil side locations of the rights-of-way, as well as an adjacent undisturbed location. Soil strength information from the twenty three study areas suggests that pipeline construction can cause changes in soil strength on pipeline rights-of-way in Alberta. Significant changes were observed in both topsoil and subsoil.