Suncor Energy Inc.’s Reclamation Area #8 (RA8) is an overburden disposal area containing lean oil sands and an average of 3% hydrocarbons. RA8 was reclaimed to an upland ecosite over several stages starting in 1979 and continuing in 1984, 1987 and 1990. Annual monitoring of the site was conducted from 1979 through to 2008. As a result, RA8 is one of the few sites in the Oil Sands Region that provides an example of long-term reclamation performance. Although each portion of the area was reclaimed according to the standards of the day, valuable information is provided on the long-term performance of reclamation using a variety of different preparation and planting strategies. Reclamation approaches included relieving compaction on berms; a peat-mineral reclamation soil cap; breaking up the surface to improve the seedbed; controlling erosion with the planting of annual barley; applying fertiliser and afforestation. Percent cover by species, vegetation height, litter cover and soil samples were evaluated throughout the reclaimed areas. Meteorological monitoring was added to the program in 2004. The results indicate that advanced reclamation is successful at RA8. Six of eleven dominant species found in the area are comparable to those found in the low-bush cranberry aspen-white spruce (d2) ecosite phase. Tree and shrub cover increased following reclamation, with shrub cover reaching a plateau after nine years. Second generation spruce seedlings have established on the site. Forbs established on the site through the soil seed bank or through natural ingress. Grass and forb cover decreased as tree and shrub cover increased. Moss has also established on the site. Traditional use species are present and those planted during initial reclamation have remained. Moderately high carbon to nitrogen ratios and high cation exchange capacity were observed in the upper 15 cm of soil and were likely a result of the organic matter additions in the peat mineral mix.