The Hydrology of Lease 17: A Report of Studies Completed in the Year 1973

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Syncrude Canada Ltd.
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Flood frequency prediction for Syncrude Lease 17 is necessary for both mining activities and environmental protection. Due to a scarcity of local data, flood frequency curves could not be prepared directly. It is demonstrated that flood frequency curves can be derived from limited data following an indirect method in which one year’s local data is generalized by reference to precipitation and runoff records from similar terrain. The study involved a stream-gauging program (undertaken in 1973), and the preparation of a regional flood-frequency curve and flood frequencies for individual streams on the lease. These, in their turn, have required the study of precipitation, geology, topography and vegetation for the area. The result is: (a) a general review of the hydrologically-significant features of the lease, and (b) a set of flood-frequency curves adjusted by reference to the stream gauging program of 1973.