Soil Sterilants Program: Project Report Compilation

Resource Type
Chris Powter
Bonnie Drozdowski
Resource Date:
Page Length
47 plus appendices

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Soil sterilants were commonly used from the 1960s to late 1990s to control weeds on rangelands, pipeline right of ways, oil and gas wells, railways, sawmills, pulp mills, and other industrial sites across Alberta.  Sterilants are typically non-selective, residual, and persistent; they control all plants they contact and because they persist in soil, vegetation growth on sterilant-impacted sites is often inhibited. Sterilants tend to be highly mobile, which can result in off-site contamination via leaching, surface runoff, and wind.  Two of the most used soil sterilants in Alberta are bromacil and tebuthiuron.
This report is a compilation of the final technical reports from the research projects, plus the associated fact sheets and presentations from annual knowledge sharing events.  Each of the sections includes the report citation, and the executive summary to provide a general overview of the project objectives and findings.  Note that some of the projects produced more than one report.
The full reports, and associated fact sheets and presentations are included as Appendices.