Working with Northern Communities to Build Collaborative Research Partnerships: Perspectives From Early Career Researchers

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J.M.E. Tondu
Ann Balasubramaniam
Louise Chavarie
Nikolaus Gantner
J.A. Knopp
Jennifer Provencher
Pamela Wong
Deborah Simmons
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Partnerships between northern communities and academics have existed for decades, yet new attitudes regarding northern scholarship have shifted the research paradigm towards one that is more collaborative, interdisciplinary, and reflective of northern people’s priorities. These shifting priorities have been largely driven by comprehensive land-claim agreements (e.g., the Yukon Umbrella Final Agreement, several land-claim agreements in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and northern Quebec, and the Labrador Inuit Land Claims Agreement) that have led to various types of natural resource management, from co-management through self-government. Community involvement is an important component of licensing requirements for research in the three Canadian territories, and communities are calling for increasing participation—at every level—in research programs that take place in their region, including a role for indigenous researchers.