strategic planning
Content related to: strategic planning
Integrating Coastal Vulnerability and Community-Based Subsistence Resource Mapping in Northwest Alaska
This project integrates physical, anthropological, and survey data to assess coastal vulnerability and to identify areas of concern for local and regional planning and environmental protection. This study analyzes and integrates historical and projected physical coastal changes within the Kotzebue Sound region with (1) a coastal vulnerability index (CVI); (2) community-based participatory GIS maps of community subsistence resources; and (3) representative surveys of local communities to determine the importance of each type of resource."
Potential Spatial Overlap of Heritage Sites and Protected Areas in a Boreal Region of Northern Canada
This project examined the potential overlap between Gwich'in First Nations (Northwest Territories, Canada) heritage sites and areas independently identified for the protection of conventional conservation targets. Researchers designed nine hypothetical protected-area networks with different targets for woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) habitat, high-quality wetland areas, representative vegetation types, water bodies, environmentally significant area, territorial parks, and network aggregation. They compared the spatial overlap of heritage sites to these nine protected-area networks.