Hummock Transfer Technique (HTT) for Reclamation of Temporary Access Features in Peatland Resource Format Document Wetland Knowledge
Got Plants? Availability of and Challenges to Production of Native Plants for Wetland Restoration Resource Format Website Land Management Wetland Knowledge
Got Plants? Availability of and Challenges to Production of Native Plants for Wetland Restoration Resource Format Website Land Management Wetland Knowledge
An Evaluation of Non-seeding Reclamation Techniques on an Oil Sands Pipeline Right-of-way Resource Format Document Land Management
Erasing Anthropogenic Disturbance: Natural Revegetation of Linear Features Following Wildfire, and the Implications for Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) Habitat Management Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou Land Management
Erasing Anthropogenic Disturbance: Natural Revegetation of Linear Features Following Wildfire, and the Implications for Woodland Caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) Habitat Management Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou Land Management
Establishment of Trees and Shrubs on Mined Land in the Grande Cache Area Resource Format Document Land Management