The Essential Carbon Service Provided by Northern Peatlands Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Projecting Bird Assemblage Responses to Climate-driven Changes in Managed Boreal Forest Landscapes of Québec Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Permafrost Instability Negates the Positive Impact of Warming Temperatures on Boreal Radial Growth Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Local Weather Interacts With Human Disturbances to Shape the Behaviour of Boreal Caribou Across a Large Climate Gradient Resource Format Website Boreal Caribou
Webinar - Impact of Climate Change on Wetlands in Canada’s Prairie Parkland and Western Boreal Forest Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
A First Assessment of Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Agricultural Peatlands in Canada: Evaluation of Climate Change Mitigation Potential Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Fish Invasion of Prairie Pothole Wetlands Reduces Amphipod Abundance, A Key Vertebrate Forage Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
The influence of habitat alteration is widespread, but the impact of climate cannot continue to be discounted Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou
The Influence of Habitat Alteration on Density of Invading White-tailed Deer Should not be Discounted Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou
The 2023 Wildfire Season in Québec: An Overview of Extreme Conditions, Impacts, Lessons Learned and Considerations for the Future Resource Format Document Boreal Caribou