Increased Nutrient Availability Speeds up Permafrost Development, While Goose Grazing Slows it Down in a Canadian High Arctic Wetland Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Evaluation of Substrate and Amendment Materials for Soil Reclamation at a Diamond Mine in the Northwest Territories, Canada Resource Format Website Land Management
Benefits of Fertilization for White Spruce and Lodgepole Pine Trees Depend on the Reclamation Substrate – Overburden vs Tailings Sand Resource Format Website Land Management
The Effect of Cover Crop Species on Growth and Yield Response of Tree Seedlings to Fertiliser and Soil Moisture on Reclaimed Sites Resource Format Website Land Management
The Impact of a Black Spruce (Picea mariana) Plantation on Carbon Exchange in a Cutover Peatland in Western Canada Resource Format Website Wetland Knowledge
Reclamation and Vegetation of Surface Mined Areas in the Athabasca Tar Sands Resource Format Website Land Management
Reclamation with Native Grasses in Alberta: Field Trial Results Resource Format Website Land Management
Continued Studies of Soil Improvement and Revegetation of Tailings Sand Slopes Resource Format Website Land Management
Thirty Years of Reclamation Research in the Alpine and Subalpine Regions in Alberta, Canada Resource Format Document Land Management