ecosystem function

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Peatland Ecology Research Group

The Peatland Ecology Research Group (PERG) was formed through the partnership of the university scientific community, the Canadian peat moss industry and federal and provincial agencies. Our common objective is the integrated sustainable management of Canadian peatlands.

Mission of the PERG: to contribute to society choices on utilization and conservation of peatlands through education and research and to a better understanding of these ecosystems.

The research team is headed by Dr. Line Rochefort of Université Laval (Québec, Canada). Since 1992, this research group has lead many projects, dealing with:

  • The development of restoration techniques after peat harvesting;
  • Natural plant recolonisation after harvesting;
  • Hydrology, geochemistry, microbiology of natural, harvested and restored peatlands;
  • Peatland conservation strategies;
  • The peatland populations of arthropods, amphibians, birds, and mammals;
  • Sphagnum ecology and productivity.