Caribou butts and wolf cameos: How motion-activated cameras may reveal the secrets of a healthy Manitoba herd

Caribou on Road

Wildlife scientists from two provinces are using motion-activated cameras to try to discern why one caribou population in northern Manitoba appears to be stable while herds are dwindling almost everywhere else in Canada. Since 2022, researchers from Parks Canada, the University of Saskatchewan and the Manitoba Métis Federation have been collecting images from 92 motion-activated wildlife cameras placed in and around Wapusk National Park, a protected area in northern Manitoba along the coast of Hudson Bay.

Full text of this article can be accessed here: Caribou butts and wolf cameos: How motion-activated cameras may reveal the secrets of a healthy Manitoba herd | CBC News

*This article is being shared by the National Boreal Caribou Knowledge Consortium as the subject matter pertains to caribou and may be of interest to our audience. 
