Parks Canada Extends Seasonal Backcountry Closures in Jasper National Park

Caribou on snowy landscape

In Jasper National Park, caribou and their habitat are protected under Canada’s National Parks Act and Species at Risk Act. Seasonal closures and access restrictions are just one way that Parks Canada is protecting caribou.

Adding to year-round conservation measures and habitat protection, seasonal closures in the Tonquin, Brazeau, and À La Pêche caribou ranges of Jasper National Park protect almost 3000 km2 of winter habitat for caribou. No access to these backcountry areas is permitted between November 1 and May 15.

Full text of this news release can be accessed here:

*This news piece is being shared by the National Boreal Caribou Knowledge Consortium as the subject matter discussed pertains to caribou and may be of interest to our audience. 
