Boreal Caribou Search Results
Mauhiba Mollah
Dasvinder Kambo
Cette note résume un nouveau projet de recherche passionnant du Service canadien des forêts (SCF), financé dans le cadre du programme 2 milliards d’arbres (2GA). La mise en œuvre du projet soutiendra...
Mauhiba Mollah
Dasvinder Kambo
Cette note résume un nouveau projet de recherche passionnant du Service canadien des forêts (SCF), financé par le programme 2 milliards d’arbres (2GA). Le projet vise à accroître la tolérance des...
This research project will test different drone-based surveying methods to monitor tree survival and the carbon accumulated from planted trees. Both ground and drone surveys will be used in a number...
Erik Emilson
Isabelle Aubin
The 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program offers a unique opportunity to reduce net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions while simultaneously ensuring co-benefits to water quality and aquatic ecosystem health. The...
The 2 Billion Trees (2BT) program aims to capture atmospheric carbon and reduce GHG emissions through the planting of 2 billion trees. A key topic researchers would like to explore is how Canada’s...
This research project will explore the relationship between changing climate, soil and site conditions, and site index (i.e., a metric to evaluate site productivity). The project team will produce...
This project aims to engage and build capacity with Indigenous communities to fulfill the multiple objectives of the 2 Billion Trees program. This project will build on established collaborations and...
Pathogens challenge early stages of forest regeneration and pose a risk to large-scale tree planting efforts such as the 2 Billion Trees program. Infected seedlings can show reduced performance and...
There is little known about the contribution of chemical traits to tree flammability. Even less is known about the potential genetic determinants of flammability. Improving our knowledge of these two...
Event Date and Time
June 4th, 2023 at 9:00am MST to June 7th, 2023 at 5:00pm MST
Boise, ID
The 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Reclamation Sciences (ASRS) will be held at the Boise Centre in downtown Boise, Idaho from June 4 - 7, 2023. This conference will focus on the...
Jonathan Boucher
Yan Boulanger
A video that describes the recent trends in fire behavior in forest landscapes. The talk also discusses changes in forest landscapes and climate over the last 45 years. A PDF of the PowerPoint...
Event Date and Time
April 9th, 2024 at 9:00am MST to April 12th, 2024 at 4:30pm MST
This 4 day course includes over three days of instruction on theory, software tool operation, and case studies, with the exam on the fourth day (four-hour comprehensive exam). Students achieving a...
December 20, 2023 The Indigenous leadership that generated international attention at last December’s COP15 Biodiversity Summit in Montreal continued to shine through 2023. The year brought challenges...
Event Date and Time
June 21st, 2021 at 12:00am to June 24th, 2021 at 11:59pm
The Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) will host the 9 th World Conference on Ecological Restoration virtually from 21 – 24 June 2021. As we enter the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration there...
Report reviews current literature, describe operations and controls, and suggest survey and research objectives for reclamation of lands disturbed by surface mining of coal in the Rocky Mountains
Erin Bayne
Jacqueline Dennett
Jenet Dooley
Monica Kohler
Jeff Ball
Mark Bidwell
Andrew Braid
John Chetelat
Eric Dillegeard
Dan Farr
Jason Fisher
Maureen Freemark
Ken Foster
Christine Godwin
Craig Hebert
Dave Huggard
Dianne McIssac
Tara Narwani
Scott Nielsen
Bruce Pauli
Sanjay Prasad
David Roberts
Simon Slater
Samantha Song
Stella Swanson
Phil Thomas
Judith Toms
Colin Twitchell
Shannon White
Faye Wyatt
Lukas Mundy
One of the theme areas monitored within the OSM program is terrestrial biodiversity, known programmatically as Terrestrial Biological Monitoring (TBM). Biodiversity refers to the diversity of wild...
Joanne White
Michael Wulder
Andrés Varhola
Mikko Vastaranta
Nicholas Coops
Bruce Cook
Doug Pitt
Murray Woods
A best practice guide brings together state-of-the-art approaches, methods, and data to provide non-experts more detailed information about complex topics. With this guide, our goal is to inform and...
Objective of is to provide a comprehensive listing of reports relating to the socio-economic and environmental aspects of the development of the Athabasca oil sands; contains about 1900 references
1982 supplement to the 1980 cumulated update of "A Bibliography of the Athabasca oil Sands, Fort McMurray, Alberta Area: Socio-Economic and Environmental Studies" contains references to about 900 item
Sean Konkolics
Melanie Dickie
Robert Serrouya
Dave Hervieux
Stan Boutin
Resource Date:
This resource is available on an external database and may require a paid subscription to access it. It is included on the CCLM to support our goal of capturing and sharing the breadth of all...