Bioengineering and Conventional Erosion and Sediment Control Solutions for Oil Sands Operations

Associated Environmental
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This report, prepared by Associated Environmental (Associated) on behalf of Canada's Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA), documents the benefits and limitations of bioengineering and conventional erosion and sediment control (ESC) approaches used by in-situ and mining companies in northern Alberta. The study also extends to some coal and forestry companies where their ESC experiences would be relevant to the geographic and ecological conditions encountered by oil sands companies. The report presents an evaluation of both the successes and lessons learned from failures of bioengineering ESC techniques, particularly those that use live plant materials, and of conventional engineered ESC techniques, such as rip rap. It also discusses the opportunities and challenges associated with both types of ESC and makes recommendations on how to determine the suitable approach for ESC on different landscapes in the oil sands.

Three key recommendations are proposed to encourage the development of bioengineering into a more common ESC practice in the oil sands region: 

1. Increase Training on Bioengineering Techniques and Installation 

2. Coordinate Live Plant Production for Bioengineering Installations 

3. Coordinate and Expand Research on Bioengineering Techniques