Conservation Guidelines for Ecologically Sensitive Forested Sites on Private Woodlots within the Fundy Model Forest

Julie Singleton
Judy Loo
John Foley
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This manual provides management guidelines aimed at protecting biodiversity in ecologically sensitive sites found on private woodlots within the 420 000-ha Fundy Model Forest of southeastern New Brunswick. Eight forest community types were identified in the area by a gap-analysis project (MacDougall and Loo, 1996). Each of these community types occupies a relatively small area, in most cases due to past or on-going land use. These eight community types are the focus of management recommendations in this manual, the objective of which is to maintain the existing sites until some degree of restoration takes place on a provincial scale. Many of the suggested management options could be further modified and used over a broader land base to restore forest communities that have been reduced or lost. This manual will be used by technicians working with the Southern New Brunswick (SNB) Wood Cooperative, Department of Natural Resources and Energy staff, private woodlot owners, and others who wish to identify and manage these sites.