Ecological Recovery Monitoring of Certified Reclaimed Wellsites in Alberta: Field Data Collection Protocols for Native Grasslands. Version 2014-05-14

Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute
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The purpose of this project was to develop an integrated, scientifically robust and financially sustainable monitoring program to enable the assessment of ecological recovery of physical, chemical, and biological indicators at certified reclaimed industrial sites across Alberta. Data will be generated from measurement of soil, vegetation, and landscape indicators at certified and reference sites. The objective of  this document is to select the appropriate vegetation, soil, and habitat indicators for a long-term reclamation monitoring program in Alberta and then provide sampling protocols for the selected indicators. The intention of this monitoring program is to  track ecological recovery of reclaimed sites and not to assess whether current reclamation criteria are adequate. Furthermore the intent of the program is not to lay blame on previous reclamation criteria or practices. Thus, this program will not be  used to  cancel reclamation certificates on previously certified sites. The development of these integrated monitoring protocols is a first step towards the successful development of this long-term monitoring program to assess ecological recovery of certified sites in Alberta.

It should be noted that this is a preliminary version of the protocol to be implemented during a pilot study in 2013, and will be amended based on advice from experts as well as from results and data from the 2013 field season.