A multiregional workshop to design caribou co-monitoring for the future

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In November 2023, a diverse group gathered in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories for a 2-day caribou health and sampling workshop. The roughly 30 participants included residents of Kugluktuk, NU, Deline NT, and multiple Tłıchǫ First Nation communities in NT, as well as researchers conducting scientific studies, and regional and federal scientists. The community attendees were a mix of Elders and youth, and represented experienced caribou hunters, younger harvesters and others tasked with winter road monitoring for the Tłıchǫ Government, and participants in the Ekwo ̨̀ Nàxoèhdee K’è (“Boots on the Ground”) caribou monitoring program. All the northern communities involved currently observe and harvest from the Bluenose East caribou herd as well as other herds that transit their land. 

The broader calling of the workshop was to exchange Indigenous Knowledge and scientific knowledge, and to collaboratively discuss the monitoring of caribou in northern Canada.