Video - Adaptive Management and Native Fish Conservation Planning

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Lorin Hicks
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On February 6, 2013 the fRI Water Program hosted a workshop entitled Advances in Knowledge of Riparian Processes, Hydrological Functions, Forest Management Mapping Tools and Monitoring Procedures.  Presentations from this workshop were captured on video by the Alberta Land-use Knowledge Network.

Dr. Lorin Hicks talks about the Montana example of habitat conservation planning in forestry management. Dr. Hicks describes some of the tools Plum Creek Timber Co.uses.(stand density visualization tool, Montgomery and Buffington stream classification tool, channel migration zones). With the largest bull trout habitat in the world, the conservation plan covers more than just forestry practices, including grazing, road construction and land-use planning. He concludes with some lessons learned from their ten years of native fish habitat conservation planning.

Dr. Lorin Hicks is Director, Fish and Wildlife Resources, Plum Creek Timber Company, Columbia Falls, Montana, USA. His presentation was part of the Water Program Workshop for the Foothills Research Institute on Feb. 6, 2013.