insect outbreaks
Content related to: insect outbreaks
Video - Understanding Recovery and Self-Organization of MPB Impacted Stands
Video - Ecophysiology & Species Silvics for Successful Stand Rehabilitation
Wildlife responses to forest stands impacted by mountain pine beetle in western Canada
Wildlife Response to Forest Stands Impacted by Mountain Pine Beetle in western Canada
Both the spread of mountain pine beetle and actions taken to slow its spread have wide ranging effects on wildlife, including species at risk such as caribou. The goals of this project is to provide land managers in government and industry with knowledge and tools to evaluate the consequences of mountain pine beetle (MPB) infestation and control actions.
Results, including an interactive planning tool, will support proactive planning and policy for areas where MPB do not yet occur, allowing land mangers to mitigate the potential impact of MPB on ecological and economic values.
Video - Beyond Beetle: Lodgepole Pine Regeneration After MPB Outbreaks in AB
The Study of Human-caribou Systems in the Face of Change: Using Multiple Disciplinary Lenses
This PhD project uses multiple disciplinary lenses to understand the dynamics of the social-ecological systems that are of critical importance to northern Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic. Barren ground caribou are part of these systems which contribute to nutritional, cultural, and spiritual well being that are today undergoing significant changes.