Natural Disturbance in Central Canada’s Forests: Spruce Budworm – Wildfire Interactions in a Changing Climate

V. Fewster
Chris MacQuarrie
J.-N. Candau
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Canada’s forests endure natural disturbances annually, contributing to the overall health and structure of the forest. In central Canada, the boreal forest is affected annually by both wildfires and forest pests such as spruce budworm. Over the last few decades, Great Lakes Forestry Centre scientists have discovered that the damage by the cyclical outbreaks of spruce budworm can contribute to the frequency and intensity of wildfires. This information report reviews the interaction of these two disturbance regimes as well as the way they interact with each other in the forest. The report also considers the implications climate change is predicted to have on both wildfires and spruce budworm outbreaks, and how that may in turn affect their interactions in the forest.