Ekwò zò gha dzô nats’êdè “We Live Here For Caribou” Cumulative Impacts Study on the Bathurst Caribou

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Dedats’eetsaa: Tłı̨chǫ Research and Training Institute
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This 2016 report called “We Live Here For Caribou” is a medium length report on the Indigenous knowledge of elders and harvesters from Wekweti, a Tli’cho community in the Northwest Territories.It covers the Bathurst caribou herd and has long sections on changes in caribou that have been observed, including changes as a result of development. It concludes, “Contributors to the report unanimously identify the establishment of large-scale mines and associated industrial activities on the Bathurst caribou migration route and feeding grounds as the main factor behind caribou health defects and changes to their behaviour and migration.”

Related Herds: Bathurst

This resource and others can be found on the Northern Caribou Canada website. To find more related resources click here.