Establishment and Survival of Ground Cover Plantings on Disturbed Areas in Alberta. Progress Report #3. Revegetation of Roadsides

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Gerry Wheeler
Herman Vaartnou
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This report deals with roadside revegetation and is the third in a series of reports on the revegetation of non-cultivated disturbed areas in Alberta. On roadsides, like pipelines and unlike powerlines there is no question whether or not' revegetation is required. The main problem is to find out what species are best suited to the job. A general survey of roadside vegetation was done in order to see what species it consisted of. The results of this survey were then compared to the Department of Highways and Transport's records of seeding conducted from 1963 - 1972 in order to assess the suitability of the seed mixtures used in the past. Objectives • To determine what species form the major portion of roadside vegetation at the present time. • To see what affect the soil type and aspect have on the vegetation. • Determination of the survival of the Department of Highways and Transport's roadside ground cover plantings. • To find native and naturalized species suitable for use in the various soil zones.