Operational Restoration Framework - Woodland Caribou Habitat Restoration in British Columbia

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British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
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Habitat restoration is an integral component in British Columbia’s approach to woodland caribou recovery. The goal is to restore large tracts of the woodland caribou’s habitat and to limit human and predator movement. This framework has been developed to provide a consistent approach in how to plan, implement and monitor caribou habitat restoration initiatives in the province. It is intended for the use of individual restoration projects operating at the site level once priority areas have been confirmed at the caribou herd range-level (e.g., through strategic and/or tactical restoration planning, herd planning or some other prioritization process).

Four broad components of a restoration project are introduced and explained within the framework. Within each of these four broad components are recommended processes that will further aid in efficient project planning and delivery.

Step 1 outlines key considerations when planning a restoration project, including engagement, overlapping tenures, field reconnaissance, and selection of treatment type(s).
Step 2 consists of guidance related to restoration plan development including permitting and authorizations associated with the proposed treatment type and treatment area. Supporting information in the form of a restoration plan of the site may be completed at this stage to support permit applications and to summarize site information and treatment plans.
Step 3 consists of guidance related to treatment delivery and quality control.
Step 4 outlines monitoring considerations to evaluate treatment success. This consists of guidance on surveys to assess vegetation growth (survival and establishment surveys post-treatment). This step may also include monitoring the impact of the project on wildlife through remote cameras and other surveys.