ECO Canada is leading a project on behalf of the Future Skills Centre to support the rapid upskilling and training of employees from the natural resource sectors in western Canada...
Nature-Based Climate Solutions Program provides training and funding for workers leaving the natural resource sector and helps them move into nature-based climate solutions employment such as coastal restoration, forestry, and...
The British Columbia Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy has released new regulations for soil relocation in B.C. effective March 1, 2023.
The provincial soil relocation process has included...
At the 2023 Alberta Chapter, Canadian Land Reclamation Association annual conference, Chris Powter, Tanya Richens, Andy Etmanski, Amanda Schoonmaker, and Dean MacKenzie participated in a panel discussion designed to kick-start...
ESAA is pleased to announce two new membership categories. In addition to the legacy Full and Associate membership categories, the two new categories are:
Biodiversity monitoring partners across the NWT are getting a closer look at wildlife as the Government of the Northwest Territories’ Biodiversity Monitoring Program expands.
The Canadian System of Soil Classification Pedology Committee invites interested soil scientists from across Canada to join the Soil Classification Working Group (SCWG) and participate in the development of the 4th...
Smart Methods in Advanced Remediation Technologies (SMART) is a series of technical learning seminars for environmental professionals. Our goal is to bring the North American environmental community together to enhance...
A draft Excess Soil Reuse Guidance document from the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment is available for public review and comment until January 3, 2023. It is available...