Land Management Search Results
A common goal of reclamation in the boreal forest is to establish diverse, native plant communities that are suited to the site's conditions and are on track to become a forest. Regeneration planning...
Regeneration planning is key to ensuring the establishment of target vegetation rather than undesired competitors. Careful planning can accelerate regeneration by 5-10 years or more.
The footprint left by infrastructure and equipment can create different challenges for establishing vegetation. The best site preparation method depends on the limiting factors present.
Reclaiming industrial sites in Alberta's boreal forest is not always a straightforward process. The footprints left by infrastructure and equipment are often characterized by compacted mineral soils...
Soil compaction frequently results from industrial disturbance on mineral soils, whether due to infrastructure or equipment traffic. Soil compaction tends to be most severe on sites with high clay...
Soil salvage is a pre-disturbance technique to conserve a site's topsoil, which is critical for maintaining nutrient cycling, organic matter, soil biota and plant propagules. In some cases, subsoil...
K. Chapman
K.A. Baldwin
S. Basquill
M. Major
W.J. Meades
C. Morneau
J.-P. Saucier
P.W.C. Uhlig
M.C. Wester
Upland boreal forest communities (Associations) of Eastern Canada are classified within Macrogroup M495 [Eastern North American Boreal Forest] of the Canadian National Vegetation Classification (CNVC)...
This resource is a publication available externally for purchase in order to access it. It is included on the CCLM to support our goal of capturing and sharing the breadth of all available knowledge...
Vegetation management is a critical component of a successful reclamation program. Reclamation activities following industrial disturbances can make many sites vulnerable to ingress by undesirable...
Kelly Hokanson
Paul Moore
Max Lukenbach
Kevin Devito
Nicholas Kettridge
Richard Petrone
Carl Mendoza
James Waddington
Resource Date:
Northern peatlands are important global carbon stores, but there is concern that these boreal peat reserves are at risk due to increased fire frequency and severity as predicted by climate change...
Kelly Hokanson
Paul Moore
Max Lukenbach
Kevin Devito
Nick Kettridge
Richard Petrone
Carl Mendoza
Mike Waddington
Resource Date:
This study used a combination of field measurements and modelling to assess the vulnerability of peat to smouldering in the Utikuma Region Study Area, Alberta, Canada.
Philip Tsui
B.R. McMahon
Peter McCart
J.V. McCart
Mine depressurization groundwater was acutely toxic to the three species of invertebrates tested. The 90 d LC50 was 8.5 to 9% for rainbow trout, 13.2% for lake chub, and 5.8% for white suckers.
Position Title
Département de Géomatique Appliquée, Université de Sherbrooke
Milo Mihajlovich
Jean-Marie Sobze
Amanda Schoonmaker
This resource is an excerpt from an issue of Canadian Reclamation (Issue 4, Vol 14) containing and article advising practitioners on best practices for vegetation management using the Life Cycle...
Craig DeMars
John Boulanger
Robert Serrouya
Effective wildlife management requires monitoring changes in the spatial distribution of species, their population size and their population trend (Williams et al. 2002; Sinclair et al. 2006)...
In 1941, the Canadian Forestry Service (CFS) established a commercial thinning trial in a 77-year-old lodgepole pine-dominated stand near Kananaskis, Alberta. Seventy percent of the total volume was...
Ungava Peninsula Caribou Aboriginal Round Table
The Indigenous Peoples of Ungava self-organized into the Ungava Peninsula Caribou Aboriginal Round Table (“UPCART” or “the Round Table”) in early 2013. For the first time in human history the Peoples...
M. Hickman
S.E.D. Charlton
C.G. Jenkerson
Diatoms and blue-green algae dominated numericallyin five tributary rivers flowing into the Athabasca River except in the Hangingstone River where chlorophycean species replaced the latter group
Joe Melton
Ed Chan
Koreen Millard
Matthew Fortier
Scott Winton
Javier Martín-López
Hinsby Cadillo-Quiroz
Darren Kidd
Louis Verchot
Peatlands play an integral role in the global carbon and hydrologic cycles and make up 3% of the Earth’s total landscape. Despite their importance, there is a lack of accurate information on the...
Ryan Melnichuk
Zhongzhi Chen
The use of pit lakes (PL) to reclaim pits at the end of mine life is common in metal and coal extraction operations. Oil sands mine operators of Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA)...