Interim Report on Reclamation for Afforestation by Suitable Native and Introduced Tree and Shrub Species

Jim Sherstabetoff
B.G. Dunsworth
Sam Takyi
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AOSERP project VE 7.1 was initiated to carry out field investigations in the revegetation of oil sands mine wastes (waste dumps and tailing sand) with trees and shrubs. The main objective of the project is to select species of trees and shrubs which are adapted to conditions on these waste materials. Up to 1977, the project was involved mainly with demonstrations, and in 1977-78, field trials were initiated. To date, emphasis has been placed on the use of exotic trees and shrubs; in the future species native to the oil sands will be emphasized. For this purpose, extensive collections were made of seeds of trees and shrubs native to the AOSERP study area for use in future nursery production and field trials. Data are now being collected on seedling survival and performance (vigour and growth) and on' the gene adaptability of the trees and shrubs to the' waste materials in trials established in 1977-78.