Summary - Operational Framework for Caribou Habitat Restoration

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Government of British Columbia
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An Operational Framework for Woodland Caribou habitat restoration in British Columbia is currently being developed to provide guidance for the planning, implementation, and monitoring of caribou habitat restoration initiatives in BC. The Framework will provide a comprehensive approach for restoration efforts to support those who may be involved in the implementation and monitoring of habitat restoration. The Framework is intended for the use of individual restoration projects which will operate at the site level once the Province and Proponent has confirmed priority areas for a restoration program at the range
level. This document provides a summary of the Framework and the four main steps involved in successfully coordinating a habitat restoration project in BC. These steps are intended to provide a clear and consistent approach for Proponents in how to prepare, execute and evaluate their restoration projects. Please note that the Framework, and this document, is meant to provide guidelines only. Every restoration program should be adapted to site specific conditions, and be informed by local expertise