Video - Evaluation of BMPs on the Lower Little Bow River

Jim Miller
Resource Date:

The 2013 Alberta Soil Science Workshop was held from February 19-21 in Lethbridge, with the theme 'Futursol: A New World Order.' Over the course of three days, participants heard from keynote speakers, plenary speakers and poster sessions related to what's happening in Alberta related to soil - from agriculture to forestry to land reclamation. The Alberta Land-use Knowledge Network was pleased to record many of the sessions from ASSW 2013.

At the 2013 Alberta Soil Science Workshop, Dr. Jim Miller covered the extensive and long term results of riparian protection (streambank fencing and offsite watering for cattle pastures) on stream water quality and biology plus the benefits and costs for cattleman. Unlike most studies, the long term nature of the study demonstrates different biological and pasture impacts than anticipated from short term studies.

Dr. Jim Miller is a Research Scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Lethbridge, Alberta.