Caribou Response to Oil and Gas Activities: Do Regeneration and Activity Levels Matter?

Resource Type
Laura Finnegan
Doug MacNearney
Gord Stenhouse
Resource Date:

On November 24, 2016, a group of dedicated environmental researchers and technology development stakeholders joined PTAC for the 2016 Ecological Issues Forum.  A major component of the forum comprised updates on the Alberta Upstream Petroleum Research Fund (AUPRF) research projects. AUPRF is funded by oil and gas producers operating in Alberta and has a broad focus which includes reducing the impacts of industry activities on species and the communities they live in.


Dr. Laura Finnegan, Program Lead for the Caribou Program, Foothills Research Institute

How do caribou and their predators respond to seismic lines at different stages of regeneration?

Is there a regeneration stage when these features can be turned ‘off’?

Is there a relationship between calving locations and well site activity?

How do caribou respond to well sites at different stages of activity across different seasons?

Download the Power Point slides for this presentation.

This presentation was recorded and originally hosted online by the Alberta Land Use Knowledge Network (LUKN).