The Ontario government has finalized an agreement with Biigtigong Nishnaabeg First Nation to help revive caribou in the North. This investment of nearly $1 million will support a multi-year initiative...
Geneviève Degré-Timmons, a PhD candidate with the University of Laval, is studying how and why wildlife use burned lands. She lives in Chibougamau, Que., but travels to the Northwest Territories...
The Caribou Habitat Restoration Fund (CHRF) is managed by the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation for the purpose of restoring high-value habitat for caribou in BC.
Applications are now open for the First Nations Caribou Recovery Implementation Fund (FNCRIF). The FNCRIF was developed to reduce barriers for, and support participation by First Nations communities and organizations...
Conservationists are starting a new recovery program aiming to strengthen caribou herds in Jasper National Park that are too small to recover on their own. Partnering with B.C.-based consulting firm Landmark Solutions...
The Ontario government is investing up to $20 million into a new Caribou Conservation Stewardship Program, aimed at supporting projects working towards maintenance and recovery of caribou populations across the...
Wildlife scientists from two provinces are using motion-activated cameras to try to discern why one caribou population in northern Manitoba appears to be stable while herds are dwindling almost everywhere else in Canada. Since...
A decision to list Boreal caribou and Peary caribou on the Northwest Territories List of Species at Risk for another ten years was recently made by the Conference of Management...
Of the fourteen caribou from the Central Selkirk herd in British Columbia captured for placement in a fenced maternity pen, eight healthy calves were born – seven males and only...